
Week 15

Week Fifteen: November 22 - 28, 2008

First off, Happy Turkey Day! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with your loved ones! Eric and I went to a friend's house! We all got together (about 17 of us) and cooked our first Thanksgiving dinner! It was really good... I was impressed!

(Holding Tom the Stuffed Turkey!)

In baby news, week fifteen has definitely brought some additional belly girth! I know I have said this the past few weeks, but I am still shocked at the difference a few days can make! It is amazing! It has been a really good week other than the fact that I have a cold... boo! Unfortunately when you are pregnant you can't really take anything, so I am just fighting through it. Like most colds, night time and mornings are the worst! I am having trouble sleeping because I am coughing so much. Hopefully next weeks blog will report improved health conditions! Maybe I should sing a cold song to make it go away... Cold, cold, go away! Don't come again another day! Whatever works!!! Right?

It is almost time to find out the sex of the baby (if we were going to find out), so the theme of this week is...

Boy or Girl?
To know or not to know....

Everyone thinks that I am having a...
_x_ girl ___ boy _x_ twins

Most people say that I am having a girl. I have been told both "it is just a feeling" that they have and also that they think it is a girl because we are all girls on our side of the family! Who knows?!?! I think that it is too soon to see how I am carrying the baby, but I guess only he or she knows the truth! Yay, we are actually at the point where it knows... only about 25 weeks and then the rest of us will be clued in! Eric thinks it is twins! There is only one heartbeat, but I guess you never know with those great military doctors that we have here in Japan! Wouldn't that be a huge shock!!!!

My thoughts about finding out if Baby Bodkin is a boy or girl before the baby is born...
I didn't really have a strong opinion, but Eric was set on letting it be a surprise! I am ok with that. I know that it will be hard because I am such a curious person, but it will be a great treat in the end! The babies grandparents all seem to love the idea!

Baby Development Notes:
Baby Bodkin now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces - about the size of an apple. The baby is busy moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs begin to develop. The legs are growing longer than the arms now, and Baby Bodkin can move all of the joints and limbs. Although the baby's eyelids are still fused shut, they can sense light. There's not much for the baby to taste at this point, but the baby is forming taste buds. Finally, if I were to have an ultrasound this week, I may be able to find out whether the baby's a boy or a girl!

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