Week Twenty-Eight: February 21 - 27, 2009
Weeks left until Baby Bodkin's due date: 12
I had my doctor's appointment this week...
Appointment Date: February 25th (10:40 a.m.)
Belly Measurements: 29 cm
Estimated Size of You: 2.25 lbs
Location: Yokosuka Naval Hospital
Doctor: Commander Hiles
Comments: I am still loving my doctor, Commander Hiles! She was just as fabulous and informative as last time! She answered all my questions, and was very thorough. I am so glad that I found her!!!
At this appointment she measured my belly, checked my heart rate and listened to the baby's heartbeat. She also went over my results from the blood and urine tests that I had a few days prior. I had to do the glucose test where they have you drink a bottle full of this orange syrupy liquid and then sit for an hour before they drew my blood. The test was testing for gestational diabetes, but they also tested for high blood pressure and a few other things. The urine test was testing for a bladder infection. The good news is that they all came up negative! She said that everything looked great, and I don't have to go again for another month!
Not much has changed this week, but here are a few pics...
Baby Development Notes:
By this week, Baby Bodkin weighs two and a quarter pounds (like the Chinese cabbage in pic below) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of the head to the heels. Baby Bodkin can blink his/her eyes, which now sport lashes. With his/her eyesight developing, Baby Bodkin may be able to see the light that filters in through the womb. Baby Bodkin is also developing billions of neurons in the brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
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